1 /**
  2  * Hilo
  3  * Copyright 2015 alibaba.com
  4  * Licensed under the MIT License
  5  */
  7 /**
  8  * Demo:
  9  * <pre>
 10  * var stage = new Hilo.Stage({
 11  *     renderType:'canvas',
 12  *     container: containerElement,
 13  *     width: 320,
 14  *     height: 480
 15  * });
 16  * </pre>
 17  * @class Stage is the root of all visual object tree, any visual object will be render only after being added to Stage or any children elements of Stage. Normally, every hilo application start with an stage instance.
 18  * @augments Container
 19  * @param {Object} properties Properties parameters for the object. Includes all writable properties of this class. Some important like:
 20  * <ul>
 21  * <li><b>container</b>:String|HTMLElement - Assign the parent container element of the Stage in the page. It should be a dom container or an id. If this parameter is not given and canvas isn't in the dom tree, you should add the stage vanvas into the dom tree yourself, otherwise Stage will not render. optional.</li>
 22  * <li><b>renderType</b>:String - Renering way: canvas|dom|webgl,default value is canvas, optional.</li>
 23  * <li><b>canvas</b>:String|HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLElement - 指定舞台所对应的画布元素。它是一个canvas或普通的div,也可以传入元素的id。若为canvas,则使用canvas来渲染所有对象,否则使用dom+css来渲染。可选。</li>
 24  * <li><b>width</b>:Number</li> - The width of the Stage, default value is the width of canvas, optional.
 25  * <li><b>height</b>:Number</li> - The height of the Stage, default value is the height of canvas, optional.
 26  * <li><b>paused</b>:Boolean</li> - Whether stop rendering the Stage, default value is false, optional.
 27  * </ul>
 28  * @module hilo/view/Stage
 29  * @requires hilo/core/Hilo
 30  * @requires hilo/core/Class
 31  * @requires hilo/view/Container
 32  * @requires hilo/renderer/CanvasRenderer
 33  * @requires hilo/renderer/DOMRenderer
 34  * @requires hilo/renderer/WebGLRenderer
 35  * @requires hilo/util/browser
 36  * @requires hilo/util/util
 37  * @property {HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLElement} canvas The canvas the Stage is related to. It can be a canvas or a div element, readonly!
 38  * @property {Renderer} renderer Stage renderer, readonly!
 39  * @property {Boolean} paused Paused Stage rendering.
 40  * @property {Object} viewport Rendering area of the Stage. Including properties like: left, top, width, height. readonly!
 41  */
 42 var Stage = Class.create(/** @lends Stage.prototype */{
 43     Extends: Container,
 44     constructor: function(properties){
 45         properties = properties || {};
 46         this.id = this.id || properties.id || Hilo.getUid('Stage');
 47         Stage.superclass.constructor.call(this, properties);
 49         this._initRenderer(properties);
 51         //init size
 52         var width = this.width, height = this.height,
 53             viewport = this.updateViewport();
 54         if(!properties.width) width = (viewport && viewport.width) || 320;
 55         if(!properties.height) height = (viewport && viewport.height) || 480;
 56         this.resize(width, height, true);
 57     },
 59     canvas: null,
 60     renderer: null,
 61     paused: false,
 62     viewport: null,
 64     /**
 65      * @private
 66      */
 67     _initRenderer: function(properties){
 68         var canvas = properties.canvas;
 69         var container = properties.container;
 70         var renderType = properties.renderType||'canvas';
 72         if(typeof canvas === 'string') canvas = Hilo.getElement(canvas);
 73         if(typeof container === 'string') container = Hilo.getElement(container);
 75         if(!canvas){
 76             var canvasTagName = renderType === 'dom'?'div':'canvas';
 77             canvas = Hilo.createElement(canvasTagName, {
 78                 style: {
 79                     position: 'absolute'
 80                 }
 81             });
 82         }
 83         else if(!canvas.getContext){
 84             renderType = 'dom';
 85         }
 87         this.canvas = canvas;
 88         if(container) container.appendChild(canvas);
 90         var props = {canvas:canvas, stage:this};
 91         switch(renderType){
 92             case 'dom':
 93                 this.renderer = new DOMRenderer(props);
 94                 break;
 95             case 'webgl':
 96                 if(WebGLRenderer.isSupport()){
 97                     this.renderer = new WebGLRenderer(props);
 98                 }
 99                 else{
100                     this.renderer = new CanvasRenderer(props);
101                 }
102                 break;
103             case 'canvas':
104 	        /* falls through */
105             default:
106                 this.renderer = new CanvasRenderer(props);
107                 break;
108         }
109     },
111     /**
112      * Add Stage canvas to DOM container. Note: this function overwrite View.addTo function.
113      * @param {HTMLElement} domElement An dom element.
114      * @returns {Stage} The Stage Object, chained call supported.
115      */
116     addTo: function(domElement){
117         var canvas = this.canvas;
118         if(canvas.parentNode !== domElement){
119             domElement.appendChild(canvas);
120         }
121         return this;
122     },
124     /**
125      * Invoke tick function and Stage will update and render. Developer may not need to use this funciton.
126      * @param {Number} delta The time had pass between this tick invoke and last tick invoke.
127      */
128     tick: function(delta){
129         if(!this.paused){
130             this._render(this.renderer, delta);
131         }
132     },
134     /**
135      * Turn on/off Stage response to DOM event. To make visual objects on the Stage interactive, use this function to turn on Stage's responses to events.
136      * @param {String|Array} type The event name or array that need to turn on/off.
137      * @param {Boolean} enabled Whether turn on or off the response method of stage DOM event. If not provided, default value is true.
138      * @returns {Stage} The Stage Object, chained call supported.
139      */
140     enableDOMEvent: function(types, enabled){
141         var me = this,
142             canvas = me.canvas,
143             handler = me._domListener || (me._domListener = function(e){me._onDOMEvent(e);});
145         types = typeof types === 'string' ? [types] : types;
146         enabled = enabled !== false;
148         for(var i = 0; i < types.length; i++){
149             var type = types[i];
151             if(enabled){
152                 canvas.addEventListener(type, handler, false);
153             }else{
154                 canvas.removeEventListener(type, handler);
155             }
156         }
158         return me;
159     },
161     /**
162      * DOM events handler function. This funciton will invoke events onto the visual object, which is on the position of the coordinate where the events is invoked.
163      * @private
164      */
165     _onDOMEvent: function(e){
166         var type = e.type, event = e, isTouch = type.indexOf('touch') == 0;
168         //calculate stageX/stageY
169         var posObj = e;
170         if(isTouch){
171             var touches = e.touches, changedTouches = e.changedTouches;
172             posObj = (touches && touches.length) ? touches[0] :
173                      (changedTouches && changedTouches.length) ? changedTouches[0] : null;
174         }
176         var x = posObj.pageX || posObj.clientX, y = posObj.pageY || posObj.clientY,
177             viewport = this.viewport || this.updateViewport();
179         event.stageX = x = (x - viewport.left) / this.scaleX;
180         event.stageY = y = (y - viewport.top) / this.scaleY;
182         //鼠标事件需要阻止冒泡方法 Prevent bubbling on mouse events.
183         event.stopPropagation = function(){
184             this._stopPropagationed = true;
185         };
187         var obj = this.getViewAtPoint(x, y, true, false, true)||this,
188             canvas = this.canvas, target = this._eventTarget;
190         //fire mouseout/touchout event for last event target
191         var leave = type === 'mouseout';
192         //当obj和target不同 且obj不是target的子元素时才触发out事件 fire out event when obj and target isn't the same as well as obj is not a child element to target.
193         if(target && (target != obj && (!target.contains || !target.contains(obj))|| leave)){
194             var out = (type === 'touchmove') ? 'touchout' :
195                       (type === 'mousemove' || leave || !obj) ? 'mouseout' : null;
196             if(out) {
197                 var outEvent = util.copy({}, event);
198                 outEvent.type = out;
199                 outEvent.eventTarget = target;
200                 target._fireMouseEvent(outEvent);
201             }
202             event.lastEventTarget = target;
203             this._eventTarget = null;
204         }
206         //fire event for current view
207         if(obj && obj.pointerEnabled && type !== 'mouseout'){
208             event.eventTarget = this._eventTarget = obj;
209             obj._fireMouseEvent(event);
210         }
212         //set cursor for current view
213         if(!isTouch){
214             var cursor = (obj && obj.pointerEnabled && obj.useHandCursor) ? 'pointer' : '';
215             canvas.style.cursor = cursor;
216         }
218         //fix android: `touchmove` fires only once
219         if(browser.android && type === 'touchmove'){
220             e.preventDefault();
221         }
222     },
224     /**
225      * Update the viewport (rendering area) which Stage show on the page. Invoke this function to update viewport when Stage canvas changes border, margin or padding properties.
226      * @returns {Object} The visible area of the Stage (the viewport property).
227      */
228     updateViewport: function(){
229         var canvas = this.canvas, viewport = null;
230         if(canvas.parentNode){
231             viewport = this.viewport = Hilo.getElementRect(canvas);
232         }
233         return viewport;
234     },
236     /**
237      * Resize the Stage.
238      * @param {Number} width The width of the new Stage.
239      * @param {Number} height The height of the new Stage.
240      * @param {Boolean} forceResize Whether forced to resize the Stage, means no matter the size of the Stage, force to change the size to keep Stage, canvas and window act at the same time.
241      */
242     resize: function(width, height, forceResize){
243         if(forceResize || this.width !== width || this.height !== height){
244             this.width = width;
245             this.height = height;
246             this.renderer.resize(width, height);
247             this.updateViewport();
248         }
249     }
251 });